Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blackwater: Harassing American Citizens

It seems that Blackwater Worldwide - Bush's praetorian guards - don't like to be picked on or told the truth; it hurts their feelings. And when their feelings are hurt they lash out and harass those that say things that they don't want to hear. Typical bully behavior...

Marshall Adame, a Democrat running for Congress in North Carolina's 3rd District, wrote exactly how he felt about Blackwater during a Q&A on the blog site BlueNC and Blackwater responded in spite. Basically Mr. Adame wrote that,

"There is no place in the American force structure, or in American culture for mercenaries. They are guns for hire; No more, no less… Private Armies represent the very things we despise as a people. Servants to the highest bidder with true allegiance to no-one."
Mr. Adame based his comments on EXPERIENCE as he had the 'privilege' of being 'protected' by Blackwater mercs while in Iraq serving as a State Department official. And what Mr. Adame found was that Blackwater typically used excessive force and shot people for "absolutely no reason, no provocation whatsoever."

Well, executive vice president Bill Mathews was none too happy about Mr. Adame's comments regarding Blackwater. No, he wasn't happy at all. So Bill Mathews (reminder: EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT) sent out an email stating,
"[H]e wants this company and all of us to cease to exist. Do you like your jobs? Are you sick and tired of the slanderous bullshit going on in DC? If so, would you all mind joining me in reminding Mr. Adame that he is running for office in our backyard…. Let's run this goof out of Dodge...!"
Of course, after that, the goons came out and started harassing Mr. Adame, using some very unkind words and language - downright vulgar stuff - in expressing how they felt about Mr. Adame's comments. Well, well... I guess those shit heads don't read the blogs...

Anyways, Mr. Adame has stated that he will persevere and that he feels "very strongly about how extensively organized Blackwater has become." And that he "will do everything I can as a congressman to look into that, to find out whether or not the things they're doing are even legal." YOU GO, MR. ADAME!

I strongly agree with Mr. Adame on Blackwater - on all aspects. And I'm positive many other people strongly agree with him too. I've had many conversations with people about Blackwater (and merc armies like them) and NO ONE likes, wants or supports them. Merc armies are viewed as a bad thing that can only lead to worse stuff. DISBAND THEM. Let them get regular jobs just like the rest of us.

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